I'm having trouble scanning the QR code. What can I do?

is only available until 8:15am.

  • Verify your smart device is connected to the internet
  • Use your device’s built-in camera, which in most cases will directly scan the QR code
  • Tap on the screen to focus the camera on the QR code
  • Move your smart device toward/away from the QR code while focusing the camera
  • Once the URL appears on the screen, tap it to be directed to the log in

QR code still won't scan?

  • If you cannot get the QR code to work via your camera or an app, we have provided a link on the registration documents that you can type directly into your browser to complete sign in and/or out.
  • You can also visit www.summit-education.com and log into your account and enter the numerical Course ID (provided on the registration documents) to begin sign-in

If you complete troubleshooting and are still unable to successfully sign in, please contact our customer service team immediately.  In the event you do not sign in, out, and complete the course evaluation that day, CEUs may not be given for the course.

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