Satisfactory Completion Requirements: Live Stream Courses


Satisfactory Completion Requirements for Live Stream format:

Participants must sign in by logging into their Summit accounts and clicking the “Launch Webinar” button for the relevant webinar, attend the entire course, complete the evaluation, and pass a post-test with a score of 75% (80% for ethics/jurisprudence) or higher to receive a certificate of completion.

Please note that the post-test is only available for 48 hours following the webinar. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not receive a certificate. Failure to sign in to the webinar or pass the post-test will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire course. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. Attendees not joined 15 minutes after the start time (10 minutes for a 1 hour webinar) will have their registration canceled. Please contact Summit Customer Service for options in this event.

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